March 7th, 2025

Dating During Separation

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Author: Julie B. Christopher

ILIT Family Sketch

It is not unusual to wonder when it is appropriate to begin dating during the separation and divorce process.  One of the most common questions family law attorneys are asked is the timing of beginning to date.   Dating can be fun and exciting, especially after the stress and tension of a failing marriage.  However, there are some important considerations when deciding whether to start dating during the separation and divorce process.

It Is Not Adultery, But…

In 2023, the Maryland Legislature amended the divorce statute, removing many of the traditional “fault” based grounds for divorce, including adultery.  While adultery, defined as   having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse is no longer a basis to file for divorce, dating prior to divorce can have an impact on the final outcome of a case.    

It Might Be Dissipation

Dissipation is commonly defined as  one spouse using martial property for a purpose unrelated to the marriage or intentionally depriving the other spouse  of using marital property when the marriage is broken. Maryland has an expanded definition of dissipation, and Maryland courts have found dissipation when the marriage is not undergoing an irreconcilable breakdown or when the dissipating spouse’s primary purpose was not to reducing the amount of funds available for division in the context of divorce.  Money spent on dating and romantic partners may be considered dissipation of marital funds. Even after separation, dissipation may occur if it is determined that one spouse has spent significant funds/assets benefitting a third party and depriving the other spouse from use or access to the asset.  When dissipation is successfully established, it permits the non-dissipating spouse to add marital assets back to the marital estate for division. 

Timing Matters

When you begin your relationship also matters. If you begin a relationship prior to your separation, it may be a factor for the court to consider in determining the cause of the breakdown of the marriage. On the other hand, if your start a relationship post separation, it is not considered a cause of the breakdown.

However, it whether your relationship begins before or after separation it is still considered adultery if your divorce is not yet finalized, and your spouse could still seek a divorce based on adultery.  When this occurs, your spouse also has the right to seek information about your romantic relationship and present the court with evidence of adultery.

This means that even though your romantic life has ended with your spouse, your private life and personal relationships may remain a relevant topic of inquiry by your spouse and/or the Court.  Depending on the tenor of your divorce proceedings, your spouse may try to make your romantic partner a witness in your case, which includes subpoenaing your romantic partner to come to court and testify as to nature and duration of the relationship.  Money spent on dating may be considered dissipation of marital funds. Questions about the nature and duration of the relationship, including whether you have spent any marital funds on him or her, are often unwelcome and stressful for the significant other and you. 


If you have minor children, it is important to consult with your attorney before introducing a romantic partner to your children prior to the finalization for your divorce or custody case.  Whether and how you proceed can have a significant complicating impact on your custody case. Regardless of whether marital money is involved, it is not unusual for a romantic partner to be deposed or called as a witness in a custody case.   In addition, it may be emotionally difficult for your children.  It is essential to understand the possible impact these actions may have on your case before making such decisions. When considering dating, you are best protected by partnering with a skilled family law attorney to help guide you in making child-focused decisions, which are in the best interests of your children and your case.     

Choosing to date can be a difficult decision while you are still in the midst of divorce proceedings. Thorny issues may arise.  Considering the timing and the potential impact on your divorce or custody case is important and best done with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney.

Julie Christopher is a Principal in the Family Law department at Stein Sperling. She is passionate about helping people navigate challenging transformations in their family landscape. She focuses her legal practice on domestic issues including separation and divorce, complex custody suits, child support and alimony, modifications to existing agreements, property distribution and valuations, contempt and enforcement, and pre- and post-nuptial and separation agreements.