Jamie L. Alvarado-Taylor
Principal -
Naila A. Apolito
Associate -
Fred A. Balkin
Principal -
R. Aron Benjamin
Senior Counsel -
Jolie S. Deutschman
Of Counsel -
Jonathan F. Lieberman
Principal -
Ivonne Corsino Lindley
Principal -
Laura C. Llanso
Senior Counsel -
Vida Mokhtari
Senior Associate -
Nindiya G. Ramchandani
Senior Counsel -
Leonardo C. Roca
Associate -
Steven B. Vinick
Of Counsel
- Business
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction
- Employment
- Estates, Trusts & Probate
- Age of Majority Planning
- Asset Protection
- Basic & Advanced Planning Solutions
- Business Succession Planning
- Charitable Planning & Charitable Giving Administration
- Estate & Trust Disputes & Litigation
- Estate, Trust & Probate Administration
- Goals for Estate Planning
- Planning for Revocable Trusts
- Planning for Blended Families
- Special Needs Trusts
- Family
- Intellectual Property & Technology
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate
- Tax
- Planning
- Tax Structured Mergers & Acquisitions
- Executive Compensation & Benefits
- Multistate Tax Issues
- International Tax / FBAR
- Exempt/Non-Profit Organizations
- IRS & State Tax Audits & Appeals
- Civil & Criminal Tax Litigation
- Tax Collection & Resolution
- Valuations & Financial Forensics
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Valuation & Litigation Support
- Attorneys

Stein Sperling attorneys understand the complexity of navigating the legal system. That is why we prioritize effective communication as much as we prioritize the mechanics of the law. When working with our team, you will always know where you stand and what comes next.
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